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Hemp Promotion Board Elects Angela Deal Vice Chair

Angela Deal Elected Vice Chair of the Louisiana Industrial Hemp Promotion and Research Advisory Board. Angie is a Board Member of the Hemp Association of Louisiana and Sales Director for Cypress Hemp (a leading consumable hemp product manufacturer).

Angie has been a leader and advocate of hemp in Louisiana for years. She was actively involved in the legislation that created the hemp industry in Louisiana and without her leadership there may not be a Louisiana Hemp Industry. She is respected across the country for her knowledge and advocacy.

She led the effort in forming the Hemp Association of Louisiana in 2023 and continues her efforts to improve the industry through the association. If the hemp industry in Louisiana had a Hall of Fame, Angie would be recognized as a pioneer for our industry.

The Hemp Promotion Board was created by legislation sponsored by Representative Travis Johnson in 2022. Until yesterday Travis served as Chair, but stepped down as Chair due his increased leadership responsibilities in the legislature. Matt Moreau was elected Chair of the board, Angie was elected Vice Chair, and Dr. Janana Snowden was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Paige Melancon, President of the Hemp Association of Louisiana also serves on the board.

Members of the board were updated on the hemp related activities of LSU and Southern University, 2023-24 hemp crop acreage in Louisiana, the status of hemp related infrastructure in the state, consumable hemp product legislation, and other hemp related topics.

The board spent considerable time discussing how to increase agricultural activities in the state, the need for seed varieties that are suitable for Louisiana's climate conditions, and research efforts underway to give farmers an advantage in the growing of hemp. Dr. Mallory Tate gave an extensive report on research he has been conducting at Southern University. Dr. Babitha Jampaia described her work at LSU and reported that they have scheduled 40 hemp related projects for 2024.

The board discussed the need for funding to further advance research on hemp to help farmers become more productive and voted unanimously to request $500,000 in funding from the state legislature for that purpose. A resolution will be prepared and sent to the state legislature requesting the funding.

The next meeting of the Hemp Promotion Board is scheduled in June. We wish Angie the best in her new role and know the her leadership on the Hemp Promotion Board will be appreciated.

Daryl Schouest

Executive Director

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