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HB 952 Approved by House Health & Welfare Committee

The House Health & Welfare Committee approved HB 952 without objection on Monday, April 16th. The bill will now be scheduled for a vote by the full house as early as next week, likely Monday April 22nd.

Here is a copy of the bill as it has been amended:

Rep Miller asked the committee to amend his bill to incorporate technical changes and a few substantive amendments to include:

  • A requirement that THC compounds used in the manufacture of consumable hemp products be limited to those naturally derived from hemp.

  • Removed the prohibition of consumable hemp products containing homologs

  • Added clarifying language that hemp flower is prohibited

  • Authorization for ATC to revoke a permit to sell consumable hemp products on the first violation

  • Requires testing of cannabinoids used in consumable hemp products

  • Requires potency testing of each batch of consumable hemp products produced for sale

  • Authorizes LDH to establish laboratory testing qualifications for companies testing consumable hemp products with a preference for Louisiana companies.

Rep Joe Stagni, added an amendment (approved by the committee) that consumable hemp beverages be excepted from the requirement that products be kept behind the retailers counter.

Several people testified or turned in cards of support for HB 952, After presentations and committee discussion, HB 952 was reported favorably by the committee and now moves to consideration by the entire House of Representatives. If approved by the house members, the bill will be sent to the Senate for consideration.

Rep Miller has indicated that he plans to ask the house to vote on his bill as early as Monday.

We encourage you to contact your representatives and ask them to support Rep Miller's efforts to clarify current hemp law.

Here is a link that you can use to automatically send your state representative and state senator and email. All you have to do is enter your name and address and click a button, the pre-written email will be sent to them automatically.

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